Marla Adams
A Chartered Professional Accountant, a Chartered Insolvency & Restructuring Professional, and a Licenced Insolvency Trustee, Marla retired from public accounting as Partner/Senior Vice-President with Deloitte after spending 28 years in corporate and personal financial restructuring, including assignments assessing current financial position, performance enhancement, governance review and management assessment. Marla held various national, regional and provincial leadership roles within the Deloitte firm. Faculty on c-suite partner/manager training at Deloitte “University” in Westlake, Texas and Toronto, Ontario was a highlight. Marla is the current Treasurer/Chair- Audit & Finance Committee for the Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation and for Persephone Theatre and is a member of the Audit & Finance Committee and former Treasurer of the Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals. Marla has completed Dale Carnegie and Toastmasters programs, is a graduate of the Queen’s University “School of Business Executive Development Program” and a recipient of the Athena Award (2006). Marla is married with two adult daughters and six grandchildren. She is excited to be joining the Board of Directors of the YWCA of Saskatoon.