Helping Children Grow Together
YWCA Saskatoon’s Child Development Centre is a fully-licensed childcare facility that provides a safe and welcoming space for kids to learn and grow. Our program concentrates on the needs of young children and involves parents to complement a home setting of warmth and care.
With a commitment to providing services to children from all cultural, ethnic, religious, and socio-economic backgrounds, we aim to help children develop appreciation and mutual respect for all.
Programs With Purpose
Staff members implement and evaluate programming based on children’s developmental interests and abilities. Programs include circle time, field trips, outdoor play, crafts, multicultural weeks and more, helping children with the development of social, emotional, physical, and cognitive skills.
Childcare Development Centre Age Groups:
(18 – 30 months)
- 10 children
- 2 staff
(2.5 – 3.5 years)
- 16 children
- 2 staff
(3.5 – 4.5 years)
- 18 children
- 2 staff
(4.5 – 6 years)
- 18 children
- 2 staff
(4 – 6 years) For children who no longer nap.
Fees & Registration:
A non-refundable $100 deposit is required at registration. The last month’s fee is charged in advance with an additional $50 charged every month until the last month’s fee is paid in full.
The total deposit amount is held in your account and returned once all fees and subsidies are paid.
Caregivers may receive government subsidies. If for any reason the subsidy is not paid, caregivers are responsible for the full amount.
Toddlers (1.5 - 2.5 years)
Preschoolers (2.5 - 5.5 years)
With the Parent Fee Reduction Grant
$217.50/month (once child turns 6 years of age fees return to $840/month)
Enriching Children’s Lives
The staff at YWCA Saskatoon’s Child Development Centre have formal Early Childcare Education and CPR/First Aid training and have completed a criminal background check. Our caregivers are passionate and committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all children.
For a more detailed explanation of our policies and procedures, please see our Caregiver Manual.
Cindy’s Garden Play Area
Named in memory of former staff member ands passionate gardener Cindy Copeland, the Child Development Centre has a beautiful garden area and play yard, where the children plant seeds, maintain the garden throughout summer, and harvest their produce to make soup and other delicious recipes within our nutritional guidelines.
Meals and Nutrition
Meals are prepared and cooked in a nut-free environment according to menus that follow the regulations set out by Early Learning and Child Care. This nutritionally balanced diet follows the Canada Food Guide and provides 60% of a child’s daily needs. Food is prepared on site by our chef. Our healthy menus rotate every 4 weeks and are emailed and posted monthly for parents to view. We promote healthy attitudes toward good eating habits.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there space for my child?
We currently have no openings available.
How do I inquire about availability?
Please send an email to: cdc@ywcasaskatoon.com with the following information:
Child’s name and birthdate
Parent’s name and phone number
Date childcare is required
Notice required at current care provider.
How do I contact the Child Development Centre?
Please call (306) 986-2886 or (306) 986-2885.
What is the cost of childcare at your centre?
Toddler (ages 1½ to 2½ yrs) are $892/month
Preschool (ages 2½ to 5½ yrs) are $840/month
With the Parent Fee Reduction Grant, the cost is $217.50/month for toddlers and preschoolers. Once a child turns 6 years old, fees resume at the full amount of $840/month.
A non-refundable deposit of $100 is required at registration, and the last month’s fee is charged in advance. An additional $50 is charged every month until the last month’s fee is paid in full. The total deposit amount is held in your account and returned once all fees and subsidies are paid. Parents may receive government subsidies, but if for any reason the subsidy is not paid, the parent is responsible for the full amount.
Will the government subsidize my childcare costs?
The provincial government provides subsidy for some parents using licensed childcare services. The subsidy is based on the parent’s income and number of dependents. Please call the Child Care Subsidy Unit of Saskatchewan toll free number: 1 (800) 667-7155.
How many caregivers are there per child?
We exceed the required ratio of staff to children mandated by provincially regulations per each age group.
What does a typical day look like?
7:30 – Centre Opens all children in the Koala Room
8:15 – All children go to their own rooms
8:30 – Snack Time
9:00 – Free Play/Art/Outside Time/Gym Time/Sensory Exploration/Circle Time (Songs, Stories, Fingerplays)
11:15 – Lunch
12:00 – Children Nap or Go to Raccoons (no-napping group)
2:15 – Snack
2:30 – Free Play/Art/Outside Time/Gym Time/Sensory Exploration
5:00 – All children join together in the Koala Room for the end of the day activities
5:50 – Centre Closes
What kinds of foods do you provide and how can I be sure my child is eating healthy foods while at your Centre?
We have a cook on site who prepares 2 snacks and lunch daily. The cook prepares meals from menus according to the summer and winter seasons, and rotates the menus every 4 weeks. These are emailed to the parents and also posted in the Child Development Centre.
What is the process if my child is now attending school?
Once your child is old enough to attend kindergarten, you have the option to send him/her to North Park Wilson School for the afternoon class (the only school for which we have transportation for kindergarten students). The centre will be responsible for taking the kindergarten children out to the bus and meeting the bus when the children return to the centre.
If North Park Wilson is not your kindergarten choice, a parent is responsible for transporting the child to and from the school chosen.
What kinds of things do you do in a day with the children?
Our early childhood educators lead various activities with the children, which allow them to learn through play, both indoors and outdoors. There is a balance between small group and large group activities, quiet and active play, and fine motor and gross motor activities. In addition, we take the children on field trips throughout the year. Please see our daily schedule for an idea of how full and engaging our days are.
What training do the Centre’s staff have?
Our early childhood educators are trained in Early Childhood Education from an accredited college, as well as holding CPR/First Aid certification.