Word & Excel

The below classes run Tuesday – Thursday from 9:30 – 12:00 PM. They also include an additional 1.5 hours of computer support time.

NOTE: All three classes must be attended to complete the course.

COST: $300 (7.5 hours of instruction + 1.5 hours support time)

Introduction to Word

This class aims to introduce students to the basics of using Microsoft Word to create simple but professional-looking documents. It is ideal for students who either have not used Microsoft Word before or wish to improve their skills. In this class participants will learn how to:

  • Add, move, and modify text and paragraphs
  • Use formatting to change the layout of text and paragraphs
  • Use lists and tables to organize information
  • Add images to a document
  • Add headers and footers to a document
  • Check spelling and grammar

Word Intermediate

This class aims to introduce students to the more advanced features of Microsoft Word. It is ideal for students who will be frequently working with complex documents. In this class participants will learn how to:

  • Use lists and tables to organize information
  • Use charts to illustrate information
  • Using Building Blocks and Fields to quickly insert content
  • Control the flow of a document with page and section breaks
  • Simplify longer documents with an index or table of contents
  • Use Mail Merge

Introduction to Excel

This class aims to introduce students to the basics of using Microsoft Excel to create simple but professional-looking spreadsheets. iT is ideal for students who either have not used Microsoft Excel before or wish to improve their skills. In this class participants will learn how to:

  • Perform basic calculations with formulas and functions
  • Insert, delete, and adjust cells, columns, and rows
  • Format spreadsheets to make them easier to read
  • Prepare a workbook for printing
  • Manage a workbook with multiple spreadsheets in it
  • Use Splitting and Freeze Panes to view larger worksheets more easily

Excel Intermediate

This class aims to introduce students to the more advanced features of Microsoft Excel. It is is ideal for students who will frequently be working with large amounts of data that they will need to be able to extract, analyze, and present. In this class participants will learn to:

  • Name ranges to simplify formulas and functions
  • Use specialized functions to perform more advanced calculations
  • Sort and filter complex data
  • Create charts based on data
  • Use PivotTables and PivotCharts to manage large amounts of data

For more information please call (306) 986-2873 or email employmentservices@ywcasaskatoon.com